Flexible new hire onboarding workflow, lifecycle audit history and 40 more updates
Flexible new hire onboarding workflow, lifecycle audit history and 40 more updates

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Flexible new hire onboarding workflow,  lifecycle audit history and 40 more updates
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“Resilience is when you address uncertainty with flexibility.”

Worknice aims to build an adaptable HR platform that scales with ambitious mid-sized businesses – allowing HR teams to solve their unique challenges now and as they arise. We think we nail it already, but there is always room to make Worknice even more flexible – without adding unnecessary bloat.

This month, we have made some new hire onboarding workflow upgrades all in the name of flexibility. Now you have complete control of the new hire onboarding workflow. You can now set the order and the priority of new hire onboarding requirements.

Along with these upgrades came the opportunity for a really cool update that will allow HR teams to surface important historical data that relates to the assignables, and see how that data has evolved over time since they were onboarded.

Let’s dive in and take a look.

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Complete control of the new hire onboarding workflow

Even if just a little, every business onboards their new hires differently.

We have a large number of mid-sized growing businesses that love and use Worknice, and we are always learning how we can help support their HR operations. When it comes to onboarding new hires we have learnt that flexibility is a key requirement. There are a four main reasons flexibility is needed;

Business factors – every business has its own unique processes, requirements and culture

Job factors – various jobs within the business have different requirements

People factors – new hires have varying factors that need to be considered during the new hire process. Eg – they are an overseas resident.

Environmental factors – none of us have a crystal ball, and things will change. Worknice onboarding technology offers the flexibility and adaptability to tackle new onboarding challenges as they arise

Problem? No, opportunity!

What’s new?

Choose the order you collect onboarding requirements from the new hire

Have a preference in what you collect first, second, third etc? Configure the order in which new hires complete their onboarding requirements. For example, we expect most will order the contract first!

Choose how to prioritise onboarding requirements for a new hire

When it comes to the onboarding experience in Worknice, there are two parts which a new hire will work through the onboarding process; the onboarding flow, and the inbox. The onboarding flow is everything you need done alongside the contract, and the inbox drives everything else that can be completed within a specified amount of time. Now you can choose what information should be added into each of those two parts.

For example, some like to send just the contract and payroll forms for completion upfront (this speeds up the initial process for a new hire, helping to secure their employment). Others like to collect absolutely everything upfront – policies acknowledgements, work rights, health declarations etc.

So it makes complete sense to give you, the HR team, the flexibility to choose your own journey.

How does it work?

After you have created a new person and applied their onboarding requirements via workflow, you now have the opportunity to configure the order and priority of things.

Case Study

Case Study: How an Australian business streamlined the onboarding process with a modern, consolidated HR platform

Case Study

More Reading

The importance of first impressions during new hire onboarding

Read more

Assignment Lifecycle Audit History

OK we might need to explain what some of the terms in this heading mean in context of Worknice before we launch into this one.

What is an assignment?

An assignment is anything in Worknice that can be assigned to a person (employee, contractor, etc). These include payroll forms, contracts, policies, tasks, surveys, reviews, certificates.

What is an assignment lifecycle?

Every assignment has a set of lifecycle stages, including draft, requested, submitted and processed. These lifecycle stages drive powerful automations in Worknice amongst other things.

What is the audit history?

An audit history is meta data relating to when and who made modifications to an assignment to move it through the lifecycle.

How does it work?

So, with all that cleared up, the assignment lifecycle audit history is a powerful compliance tool that enables HR teams to know exactly how and when an assignment has evolved over time.

Assignment information

You can now see the ‘meta’ information relating to an assignment, and make configuration changes such as the assignment name, the owner (when it is a draft only) and the responsible person.

Assignment lifecycle history

You can now see historical ‘meta’ information relating to an assignment.

Why is this useful from a compliance perspective? Well let’s take the story of our employee ‘Chad’ for an example;

Chad the employee has racked up over $1000 this month in Uber ride share expenses. When you approach cheeky Chad about it, he says, “I didn’t know I couldn’t do this – no-one told me!” Well guess what Chad, we can go into that policy and see exactly when you were issued the policy, and when you acknowledged it. Bam. Expense denied.

Like the sounds of this? We did some amazing audit history work last month – check it out here

What else changed in November?

Worknice put’s a ton of energy into creating a great product for growing businesses.

We believe anyone who is responsible for managing HR deserves a smarter way to manage people, employment and engagement. Our goal is to deliver new features that offer a best-in-class product without the bloat.

That’s why more businesses are choosing Worknice.

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November 4 2022

  • Added notifications for assignment submission events which causes newly submitted assignments to be highlighted in an admin’s inbox. This includes forms, documents, certificates, reviews, surveys and leave requests. Tasks have not been included at this time because they don’t currently appear in the admin’s inbox and would result in phantom notifications. Email notifications are turned off by default, but can be enable in user settings.
  • Added TFN validation to KeyPay employee forms.
  • Fixed bug where additional fields would be incorrectly hidden when personal details were hidden in KeyPay employee forms.
  • Fixed position of the button on invite person banner.
  • Added a placeholder card when there’s no leave to show.

November 7 2022

  • Prevented admins from receiving notifications for their own assignment/submissions.
  • Improved the notification emails for assignments and submissions.
  • Fixed permissions errors where employees couldn’t view other people’s summary information.
  • Fixed bug on KeyPay forms where allocation would not be set to 100% where there’s only 1 super fund or bank account.

November 9 2022

  • Changed how permissions are handled in the user interface so that resources a user doesn’t have access to are shown as blank instead of resulting in an error.
  • Fixed bug preventing notifications from getting created.
  • Improved logging and migrated from Datadog to Axiom.
  • Removed deprecated /people/:id/payroll and /people/:id/business pages.
  • Wrapped request handlers in HOFs: withQuery → withAuth → withStorage → withLogger.

    November 11 2022

    • Made the org chart only display labels on hover.
    • Updated the TechnologyOne CSV export.
    • Fixed naming of auth fields in logs.

    November 15 2022

    • Added employer nominated super fund to KeyPay employees forms.
    • Fixed back links on people pages.
    • Improved accept invite error messages.

    November 18 2022

    • Improved the tax-declaration section of the KeyPay form. (Added TFN exemption, tax-free threshold and “STSL Debt” fields.)
    • Made the UI for “Slot” components consistent throughout the app.
    • Reinstated missing accept invite error message.
    • Prevented hidden fields on KeyPay forms from incorrectly updating the employee record.
    • Fixed incorrectly hidden postal address on KeyPay forms.

      November 22 2022

      • Added “Info” modal to all assignment pages (only visible to admins).
      • Added “History” modal to all assignment pages (only visible to admins).

      November 24 2022

      • Added certificates to onboarding. Any certificate assigned from now onwards will be included in the person’s onboarding.
      • Added an “Onboarding” card the person overview page. It displays to assignments a person will need to submit during onboarding in the order they’ll see them. Only shows when a person is draft/invited/onboarding.
      • Moved the draft/invited/onboarding banners to the person overview page.
      • Updated to latest version of the Supabase CLI and supabase-js.

        November 28 2022

        • Made the list of onboarding assignments editable. Only documents, forms and certificates can be included in onboarding at this stage.
        • Updated colours used for badges and assignment icons to better communicate status.
        • Fixed missing download link for documents.
        • Fixed bug causing admin users to see draft assignments when onboarding.
        • Fixed scrolling animation on onboarding page.

          November 29 2022

          • Changed inbox to display notifications instead of assignments.
          • Made all assignments names clickable links.
          • Improved clean-up of database connections to reduce max_client_conn errors.
          • Improved reliability of logging.

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