
Why choose specialised HR software over an all-in-one? Why choose specialised HR software over an all-in-one?

Selecting new HR software can be an overwhelming task, particularly when you aim to address current workforce challenges while ensuring your people and culture strategy remains future-proof. The decision to invest in new software not only impacts your financials but also significantly influences HR operations, managerial practices, and the overall employee experience. When confronted with […]

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  • HR Insights

    How do you combine HR data?

    As HR tech moves away from “all in one / one size fits all” platforms, we now have many amazing apps that help us create amazing workplaces. One of the challenges that comes out the other end of this is combing data into a single source so you can leverage amazing benefits such as; This […]


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  • HR Insights

    Does an employment contract need a signature?

    Does an employment agreement need a signature? Does an employee need to sign an employment contract? It is a good question and one that we get very now and then at Worknice. In Australia, there are no specific rules around the way a contract of employment needs to be accepted. Basically, there just needs to […]


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  • HR Insights

    Should an independant contractor actually be an employee?

    In August of 2024, Australian employment laws are tightening up the definition of the independant contractor, and this will ultimately mean businesses need to move a portion of their contractors over to employees to remain compliant. How do you know whether someone is an employee or an independent contractor? The way to think about it […]


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  • HR Insights

    ‘Right to disconnect’ law introduced in Australia

    The right to disconnect from work is set to become law in Australia. It is set to become law in mid-2024 in Australia and follows significant employment law changes that have recently begun. This is yet another change passed through the House of Representatives, and many people are wanting to know what it actually means, […]


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  • HR Insights

    How can companies improve their gender pay gap in 2024?

    Every Australian private company with 100 employees or more recently reported their gender pay gaps , with the national gap for total remuneration sitting at 19 per cent, according to the new data from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. This means pay structure often favour men. That means many businesses have some diversity issues that need […]


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  • HR Insights

    When is it okay to refuse a request to work from home?

    The issue of refusing work from home requests was looked at recently by the Fair Work Commission in a dispute about a request for flexible working arrangements. This issue is becoming increasingly common as flexible work arrangements gain popularity. Background The employee asked to work 100% of his full-time hours from home. He made the […]


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  • HR Insights

    Can an employer require someone to work on a public holiday?

    Are you a business that has to operate on public holidays? Surely employees can’t refuse to work on public holidays. Well, think again. You need to be very carefull on this issue, particularly after a federal court of Australia finding in 2023. This issue was fleshed out by the full Federal Court earlier this year […]


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  • HR Insights

    How does the Fair Work Commission calculate compensation in an unfair dismissal claim?

    Understanding how the fair work commission calculates compensation for an unfair dismissal is handy to know. When you’re weighing up whether to dismiss someone it’s good to consider how much they could be awarded if they make a claim. Is it better to deal with a disruptive employee? Or is it better to deal with […]


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  • HR Insights

    How to avoid an unfair dismissal claim when making a position redundant

    In Australia, unfair dismissal laws play a crucial role in protecting the rights of employees and ensuring that their dismissal is fair and justifiable. When making an employee redundant, it is important to consider unfair dismissal laws. ✅ If you tick the three boxes below, an employee won’t have have been unfairly dismissed. Step 1: […]


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  • HR Insights

    Requests for flexible working arrangements

    With the rise in flexible work requests, we’re starting to see cases come through the Fair Work Commission under its newly enhanced powers to deal with disputes about requests for flexible working arrangements. So let’s take a look at when an employee can make a request for flexible working arrangements and what you need to […]


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  • HR Insights

    Major workplace law changes: Prohibiting sexual harassment

    As we indicated in the recent workplace law change summary article, the newly introduced provision in the fair work act provides for broader protection against sexual harassment for all workers including potential candidates. So what’s changed? New laws prohibiting sexual harassment Recent changes now mean that a person (the first person) must not in connection […]


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  • HR Insights

    Major workplace law changes in Australia 2023

    Both the Fair Work Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022 and the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Act 2022 are now law, and will no doubt impact all employers and employees in Australia in some way. As the sun sets on 2023 and we count down to the new year, […]


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